Junior Fire Summer Academy Application
Dear Parent or Guardian,
The Glenham Fire District Junior Fire Academy is a free week-long summer camp for school-aged children (grades 4-8) interested in joining the fire service one day. This camp is a great opportunity for kids to build a sense of teamwork and responsibility by working with their local firefighters. We accept applications for the Junior Fire Academy from children who are going into grades 3 - 10 for the 2024-2025 school year.
This camp is designed to be fun, challenging, entertaining, and educational. We want the children to learn safety lessons about things around their homes and schools that they encounter every day. They will have short periods of lectures and lessons each day followed by opportunities to actively participate in exercises designed to reinforce what they have been taught. Camp activities will focus on what it's like to be a firefighter as well as other fire/life safety topics like search and rescue, fire extinguishers, and first aid. Attendees will be divided into teams, which will operate as a “fire company” for all of their activities. Each child will get the opportunity to be the “company officer” for a day. Leadership principles will be taught to each child directly and indirectly.
Important Information
We are not able to administer any medication to your child that is not provided by the parent in its original pharmacy container with dosage specified. Children will not be allowed to keep medication of any type in their possession while attending camp. In cases of injury or illness that are serious enough to warrant under our operational medical director’s protocols, your child’s status would be changed from “camper” to “patient.” This could result in a transport to a hospital emergency room. Every attempt will be made to reach the parent/guardian prior to medical assistance being provided. A copy of your child’s vaccination history is required for participation in the summer camp. If the vaccination history is not received within 10 business days of receiving the application, the camper will not be allowed to attend camp.
Dress Code
You should dress your child with clothing appropriate for the weather forecast for the day. Long pants are preferred since we will be doing some crawling. Camp will take place both indoors and outdoors, so please make sure your child dresses accordingly. A camp T-shirt is provided on the first day. Children may want to wear the T-shirt on Monday for pictures then again to the graduation ceremony on Saturday. Closed-toe shoes and socks are required at all times.
Terms of Enrollment
- Campers must adhere to the District's Rules and Regulations or will be dismissed without review.
- Campers should not bring any valuables to the program, including toys, radios, jewelry, money, etc.
- Cell phones are not permitted in camp. A phone will be available at the camp for any necessary/emergency calls.
- Glenham Fire District is NOT responsible for lost items. Staff has been instructed NOT to safe-keep any camper's possessions.
- Campers should wear closed-toed sneakers every day (no sandals).
- Campers should wear work clothes including jeans (appropriate for the weather).
In order for any child to attend camp he or she will have to rely on you or another adult for daily transportation. The dates/hours for camp are as follows:
Monday - Friday, July 22 - 27, 2023
Session 1: 8 AM to 11:30 AM | Session 2: 11 AM - 2:30 PM
Saturday, July 27, 2023 - 1 p.m. | Camp Graduation
Campers may be dropped off at the Glenham Fire District after 30 minutes before the start of their session and must be picked up by 30 minutes after their session.
Please make sure your child has a packed snack with them. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be provided on the last day of camp, Friday, July 26. If this is not an option for your child, please make sure they have a bagged lunch that day. Please also make sure campers have a good breakfast since we will be doing a lot of physical activity. The kids will have access to a fridge to keep their lunches cold.
On behalf of the Glenham Fire District, we thank you for your interest in the Junior Fire Summer Academy, and hope that your child will have a fun and positive learning experience.
Glenham Fire District
Please complete this "fill-able form" application, print it out, sign in all appropriate places and then scan it back via email to JrFireAcademy@glenhamfire.com by June 15, 2024 to allow us time to order the t-shirts. If you don't have the means to scan the form, please email us and let us know so that we can work out a time to meet you so that you can drop it off or if you prefer, you can mail it to Glenham Fire District, PO Box 191, Glenham, NY 12527, but keep the deadline in mind.
Academy Application