According to where this was found, this letter was written in the 1950’s about being a Volunteer Fireman from the perspective of a wife. Obviously in todays day we’re not just men; we have many women who are young, old and in-between amongst the ranks out here in the volunteer fire service. Thus, we titled this article “The Volunteer Firefighter.” It applies to all of us and holds true today just as it did in the 50’s.
What’s also true today is that we need help in our service. As the volunteer ranks shrink throughout this nation we need you, our community friends and neighbors, to consider joining our special family and build us up so that we can continue to serve the needs of our neighbors surrounding us on all sides. We have membership levels of all types so please take a moment and think about how you can help us, help you. We look forward to having you join us and our family. |